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Welcome to Iniobong.com. I will be posting and chatting about my art the progress on currently projects as well as exhibits. I might even start saling some stuff as well. Thanks for visiting.



If you have read my past two posts a recurring notion, the Immense feeling of the inability to capture what I see in words. It’s like the proverbial/cliché scene in the movies where a writer types one word then sits back in their chair and stares at the word seemingly for hours. Analyzing different angles […] Read more >



10 years ago I married the most beautiful woman in the world. Not only beautiful outside but inside. She has an ocean of layers to her personality that I’m constantly swimming through. It so happens we are in London for this milestone, which affords us opportunities to go to SO MANY places to celebrate. We […] Read more >


Take off /Arrival We arrived in London on the 22nd at 2:00pm. The weather was partly cloudy (no surprise) and the temperature was 50 degrees. Andrew had a great time on the plane, well what 6 year old wouldn’t if they were flying first class! He had a private seat with and a wide screen […] Read more >